1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2383-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 163-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 125 "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AS IT PERTAINS TO AMENDING THE ESTABLISHED "R-5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" WITHIN CODE SECTION 125-21 TO INCLUDE "AGE-RESTRICTED TOWNHOUSES" AS A PERMITTED USE AND AMENDING THE "R-5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" ON THE BOROUGH'S ZONING MAP TO REZONE BLOCK 1702, LOTS 5 AND 6 FROM THE "R-1-2 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO THE "R.5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT." Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Page 2 Agenda April 19,2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2384-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 164-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS THEREFORE. (MEMORIAL POOL) Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2385-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 165-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 94-12 ENTITLED "MISCELLANEOUS FEES" TO REVISE CHAPTER 160, ENTITLED PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS ARTICLE VI SCHEDULE OF FEES, SUBSECTION 160-6A MEMORIAL POOL, INTER-LOCAL POOL MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENTS AND SUBSECTION 160-14 FREE MEMBERSHIP FOR DISABLED PERSONS Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2386-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 166-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 33 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "POLICE DEPARTMENT", SPECIFICALLY ARTICLE XIV, PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, MORE SPECIFICALLY TO ADD SECTION 33-39 Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Page 3 Agenda April 19,2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2387-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 167-2016) "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS THEREFORE (20th STREET)." Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2376-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 168-2016) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $2,300,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,190,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY (GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2377-2016 (RESOLUTION NO 169-2016) BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS ROADS IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,510,000 THEREFORE AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,438,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH APPROPRIATION (ROADS). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Page 4 Agenda April 19,2016 Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2378-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 170-2016) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $1,140,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,085,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE: UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY (WATER UTILITY). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #6*2016 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. # 171-2016 - Cancellation of Capital Ordinances b. Resol. # 172-2016 - Authorizing Multi-Year Contract for Maintaining NJSACOP Accreditation Page 5 Agenda April 19,2016 c. Resol. #173-2016 - Supporting Clean Water Supplies d. Resol. #174-2016- Licensing Agreement: 12-03 Scribner Road e. Resol. #175-2016 - Authorizing Participation in the North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative Pricing System f. Resol. #176-2016 - Authorization for Special Water Sampling Services g. Resol. # 177-2016 - Award of Bid: Radio Repair and Maintenance - Communications Specialists, Inc. h. Resol. #178-2016 - Appointment to the Green Team Advisory Committee i. Resol. #179-2016 -Authorizing Waiver of Outstanding Water Utility Charge j. Resol. #180-2016 - Cancellation of Purchase Order in the Water Utility Account k. Resol. #181-2016 - Authorizing Signature of Traffic Signal Agreement for Generator Adapted Controller Cabinets with the New Jersey Department of Transportation I. Resol. #182-2016 - Authorizing the Acceptance of Funds from a Subgrant Award from the FY2016 Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance Program m. Resol. # 183-2016 - Authorizing Approval of Massage Establishment License: Good Time Spa, 12-82 River Road n. Resol. #184-2016 - Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting 3/22/16 Closed Session 3/22/16 o. Resol. #185-2016 - Approving Fire Board Actions - Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 186-2016 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Work Session 3/8/16 Closed Session 3/8/16 Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public; comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call, Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION - Pending Litigation - Police Retires Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. 15. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2383-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 163-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 125 "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AS IT PERTAINS TO AMENDING THE ESTABLISHED "R-5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" WITHIN CODE SECTION 125-21 TO INCLUDE "AGE-RESTRICTED TOWNHOUSES" AS A PERMITTED USE AND AMENDING THE "R-5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" ON THE BOROUGH'S ZONING MAP TO REZONE BLOCK 1702, LOTS 5 AND 6 FROM THE "R-1-2 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO THE "R.5-1 TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT." Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Page 2 Agenda April 19,2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2384-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 164-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS THEREFORE. (MEMORIAL POOL) Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2385-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 165-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 94-12 ENTITLED "MISCELLANEOUS FEES" TO REVISE CHAPTER 160, ENTITLED PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS ARTICLE VI SCHEDULE OF FEES, SUBSECTION 160-6A MEMORIAL POOL, INTER-LOCAL POOL MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENTS AND SUBSECTION 160-14 FREE MEMBERSHIP FOR DISABLED PERSONS Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2386-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 166-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 33 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "POLICE DEPARTMENT", SPECIFICALLY ARTICLE XIV, PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, MORE SPECIFICALLY TO ADD SECTION 33-39 Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Page 3 Agenda April 19,2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2387-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 167-2016) "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS THEREFORE (20th STREET)." Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2376-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 168-2016) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $2,300,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,190,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY (GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2377-2016 (RESOLUTION NO 169-2016) BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS ROADS IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,510,000 THEREFORE AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,438,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH APPROPRIATION (ROADS). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Page 4 Agenda April 19,2016 Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2378-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 170-2016) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $1,140,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,085,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE: UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY (WATER UTILITY). - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #6*2016 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. # 171-2016 - Cancellation of Capital Ordinances b. Resol. # 172-2016 - Authorizing Multi-Year Contract for Maintaining NJSACOP Accreditation Page 5 Agenda April 19,2016 c. Resol. #173-2016 - Supporting Clean Water Supplies d. Resol. #174-2016- Licensing Agreement: 12-03 Scribner Road e. Resol. #175-2016 - Authorizing Participation in the North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative Pricing System f. Resol. #176-2016 - Authorization for Special Water Sampling Services g. Resol. # 177-2016 - Award of Bid: Radio Repair and Maintenance - Communications Specialists, Inc. h. Resol. #178-2016 - Appointment to the Green Team Advisory Committee i. Resol. #179-2016 -Authorizing Waiver of Outstanding Water Utility Charge j. Resol. #180-2016 - Cancellation of Purchase Order in the Water Utility Account k. Resol. #181-2016 - Authorizing Signature of Traffic Signal Agreement for Generator Adapted Controller Cabinets with the New Jersey Department of Transportation I. Resol. #182-2016 - Authorizing the Acceptance of Funds from a Subgrant Award from the FY2016 Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance Program m. Resol. # 183-2016 - Authorizing Approval of Massage Establishment License: Good Time Spa, 12-82 River Road n. Resol. #184-2016 - Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting 3/22/16 Closed Session 3/22/16 o. Resol. #185-2016 - Approving Fire Board Actions - Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 186-2016 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Work Session 3/8/16 Closed Session 3/8/16 Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public; comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call, Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION - Pending Litigation - Police Retires Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. 15. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.