1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2412-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 391-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 232 ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2413-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 392-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 144, ENTITLED "MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2414-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 393-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 162 ENTITLED "PEDDLING AND SOLICITING" REGARDING "NO SOLICITATION SIGNS" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2415-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 394-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 160 ENTITLED "PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS" REGARDING DOGS IN THE PARK Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2409-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 395-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 2293-2012 APPROPRIATING AN ADDITIONAL $37,000 FOR THE COUNTY ROAD PROGRAM, COUNTY-WIDE ADA RAMPS, CURBS AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION CO-OPERATIVELY FUNDED FROM THE BERGEN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2410-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 396-2016) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF PART TIME SCHOOL TRAFFIC GUARDS OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2411 -2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 397-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENTS AND BUDGET AND FISCAL PROCEDURES" TO AMEND ARTICLE II ENTITLED, "THE COUNCIL" Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #15 -2016 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #398-2016 - Authorizing Contracts with Certain Approved State Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A: 11-12a b. Resol. #399-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved National Cooperative Contract Vendors Pursuant to P.L 201 l,cl39 c. Resol. #400-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5) d. Resol. #401-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved Passaic County Pricing System Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5) e. Resol. #402-2016 - Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for Sanitary Sewer Jetting for 2017 and 2018 f. Resol. #403-2016 - Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for TV Inspection of the Sanitary Sewer System for 2017 and 2018 g. Resol. #404-2016- Authorizing Execution of Bergen County Community Development Grant Application - Road Resurfacing at Various Locations h. Resol. #405-2016 - Cancelling Resolution No. 343-2016 - Award of Bid: Disposal of Solid Waste i. Resol. #406-2016 - Authorizing Contracts with Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors - North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative Pricing System -Pumping Services Inc. j. Resol. #407-2016 - Award of Bid: Disposal of Solid Waste k. Resol. #408-2016 - Transfer of Funds I. Resol. #409-2016 - Urging the Adoption of S-2663 and A-4234 - JIF Investing m. Resol. #410-2016 - Special Item of Revenue - New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice 2016 State Body Replacement Fund Program n. Resol. #411-2016- Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting 10/25/16 o. Resol. #412-2016 - Authorizing Multiyear Contract: Software Service p. Resol. #413-2016 - Award of Contract: Electronics Recyclables q. Resol. #414-2016 - Authorizing Execution of the Department Head Association's Agreement Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 415-2016 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Work Session 10/18/16 Closed Session 10/18/16 Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION: PERSONNEL - GRIEVANCE 02-2016 Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. 16. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2412-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 391-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 232 ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2413-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 392-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 144, ENTITLED "MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2414-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 393-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 162 ENTITLED "PEDDLING AND SOLICITING" REGARDING "NO SOLICITATION SIGNS" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2415-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 394-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 160 ENTITLED "PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS" REGARDING DOGS IN THE PARK Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2409-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 395-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 2293-2012 APPROPRIATING AN ADDITIONAL $37,000 FOR THE COUNTY ROAD PROGRAM, COUNTY-WIDE ADA RAMPS, CURBS AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION CO-OPERATIVELY FUNDED FROM THE BERGEN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2410-2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 396-2016) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF PART TIME SCHOOL TRAFFIC GUARDS OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2411 -2016 (RESOLUTION NO. 397-2016) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENTS AND BUDGET AND FISCAL PROCEDURES" TO AMEND ARTICLE II ENTITLED, "THE COUNCIL" Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #15 -2016 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #398-2016 - Authorizing Contracts with Certain Approved State Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A: 11-12a b. Resol. #399-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved National Cooperative Contract Vendors Pursuant to P.L 201 l,cl39 c. Resol. #400-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5) d. Resol. #401-2016 - Authoring Contracts for Certain Approved Passaic County Pricing System Contract Vendors Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5) e. Resol. #402-2016 - Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for Sanitary Sewer Jetting for 2017 and 2018 f. Resol. #403-2016 - Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for TV Inspection of the Sanitary Sewer System for 2017 and 2018 g. Resol. #404-2016- Authorizing Execution of Bergen County Community Development Grant Application - Road Resurfacing at Various Locations h. Resol. #405-2016 - Cancelling Resolution No. 343-2016 - Award of Bid: Disposal of Solid Waste i. Resol. #406-2016 - Authorizing Contracts with Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors - North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative Pricing System -Pumping Services Inc. j. Resol. #407-2016 - Award of Bid: Disposal of Solid Waste k. Resol. #408-2016 - Transfer of Funds I. Resol. #409-2016 - Urging the Adoption of S-2663 and A-4234 - JIF Investing m. Resol. #410-2016 - Special Item of Revenue - New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice 2016 State Body Replacement Fund Program n. Resol. #411-2016- Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting 10/25/16 o. Resol. #412-2016 - Authorizing Multiyear Contract: Software Service p. Resol. #413-2016 - Award of Contract: Electronics Recyclables q. Resol. #414-2016 - Authorizing Execution of the Department Head Association's Agreement Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 415-2016 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Work Session 10/18/16 Closed Session 10/18/16 Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION: PERSONNEL - GRIEVANCE 02-2016 Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. 16. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.