1. Call to Order - Town Crier 2. Flag Salute 3. Invocation by Father Joseph Doyle 4. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 5. Roll Call
10. Nomination for Deputy Mayor of Community Affairs 11. Election of Deputy Mayor of Community Affairs
MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS a. Library Trustees - Patty Bontekoe, Michael Stoll (Mayor's Designee) b. Environmental Commission Chairperson -Wendy Dabney c. Board of Education Shared Service Liaison - Councilmember Dunay, Councilmember Peluso d. Planning Board Designee - Dan Furphy e. Planning Board Class II Member - Benjamin Bontekoe f. Historic Preservation Commission - Daniel Ptashny (Class C)
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDAS 1 AND 2 ITEMS ONLY - Mayor calls for motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. - Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #1-2017 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS: - Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. No. 1-2017 - Professional Services - Appraiser: Value Research Group b. Resol. No. 2-2017 - Professional Services - Appraiser: McNerney & Associates c. Resol. No. 3-2017 - Professional Services - Bond Counsel: Hawkins, Delafield & Woods d. Resol. No. 4-2017 - Professional Services - Grant Writer: Bruno Associates e. Resol. No. 5-2017 - Professional Services - Broker of Medical / Dental - PIA Security Programs, Inc. f. Resol. No. 6-2017 - Professional Services - Risk Manager: Professional Insurance Associates Inc. (PIA) g. Resol. No. 7-2017 - Professional Services - Borough Auditor: Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo & Cuva, P.A. h. Resol. No. 8-2017 - Professional Services - Borough Attorney: Ronald P. Mondello i. Resol. No. 9-2017 - Professional Services - Labor Attorney: Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs, LLC j. Resol. No. 10-2017 - Professional Services - Environmental Consulting Services: Arcadis U.S., Inc. k. Resol. No. 11-2017 - Professional Services - Planner of Record: Matrix New World Engineering I. Resol. No. 12-2017 - Professional Services - Nursing Services: The Valley Hospital m. Resol. No. 13-2017 - Professional Services - Health Educator: The Valley Hospital n. Resol. No. 14-2017 - Professional Services - Open Space Planner / Planner for Green Acres: H2M Associates, Inc. o. Resol. No. 15-2017 - Professional Services - Conflict Counsel / Tax Appeals: William R. Betesh, Boggia & Boggia, LLC p. Resol. No, 16-2017 - Professional Services - Loss Control Services: J.A. Montgomery Risk Control q. Resol. No. 17-2017 - Professional Services - Disciplinary Hearing Officer: Joseph L. Verruni r. Resol. No. 18-2017 - Professional Services - Employee and Emergency Service Volunteer's Physicals: Valley Systems Health Workplace Connection s. Resol. No. 19-2017 - Economic Development Administrator t. Resol. No. 20-2017 - Fire Officers u. Resol. No. 21 -2017 - Liaison to Fire Board v. Resol. No. 22-2017 - Liaison to the Community Center w. Resol. No. 23-2017 - Liaison to Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention x. Resol. No. 24-2017 - Liaisons to RRIC, BIC, EDC y. Resol. No. 25-2017 - Environmental Commission z. Resol. No. 26-2017 - Green Team Advisory Committee aa. Resol. No. 27-2017 - Planning Board bb. Resol. No. 28-2017 - Zoning Board cc. Resol. No. 29-2017 - Rent Leveling Board dd. Resol. No. 30-2017 - Property Maintenance / Facelift Committee ee. Resol. No. 31-2017- Fair Lawn Borough Gardens Committee ff. Resol. No. 32-2017 - Shade Tree Advisory Committee gg. Resol. No. 33-2017 - Fair Lawn Arts Council hh. Resol. No. 34-2017 - Holiday Celebrations ii. Resol. No. 35-2017 - Senior Citizen Advisory Board jj. Resol. No. 36-2017 - Public Action Compliance Officer kk. Resol. No. 37-2017 - Appointing Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner II. Resol. No. 38-2017 - Fair Lawn Recreation Facility Review Committee mm. Resol. No. 39-2017 - Interlocal Services Agreement with Ridgewood: Health Officer nn. Resol. No. 40-2017 - Open Space Committee oo. Resol. No. 41-2017 - Alternate Prosecutor pp. Resol. No. 42-2017 - Board of Ethics qq. Resol. No. 43-2017 - Interlocal Agreement for Childhood Immunizations - Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 44-2017 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - ENGINEERING AND SURVEYOR: RIGG ASSOCIATES - Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 45-2017 - APPOINTMENT TO THE ZONING BOARD - Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
MANAGER'S APPOINTMENTS: a. Prosecutor, Public Defender, Alternate Public Defender, and Rent Leveling Board Attorney
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #2-2017 - Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent, a. Resol. No. 46-2017 - Cash Management Plan b. Resol. No. 47-2017 - Official Newspapers c. Resol. No. 48-2017 - Temporary Budget - Current Fund and Water Utility Fund d. Resol. No. 49-2017 - Petty Cash e. Resol. No. 50-2017 - Tax Assessment Interest f. ResoL No. 51 -2017 - Annual Meeting Dates and Times g. Resol. No. 52-2017 - Defending Tax Appeals h. Resol. No. 53-2017 - Annual Sale of Delinquent Taxes i. Resol. No. 54-2017 - Adopting Policy and Procedures Manual j. Resol. No. 55-2017 - Affirming the Borough's Civil Rights Policy k. Resol. No. 56-2017 - Interiocal Agreement Bergen County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid l. Resol. No. 57-2017 - Approval of Minutes: Closed Session 12/6/16 Work Session 12/6/16 Closed Session 12/6/16 Regular Meeting 12/13/16 m. Resol. No. 58-2017- Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License: Holistic Center n. Resol. No. 59-2017 - Authorizing Contract with Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors -Wilfred MacDonald, Inc. - Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2416-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 60-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPARTMENT HEADS) - Mayor asks for a motion to read the Ordinance by Title. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call, ORDINANCE NO. 2417-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 61-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY IS AMENDED (BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR) Mayor asks for a motion to read the Ordinance by Title. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC COMMENTS - Mayor calls for motion to open time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. - Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor closes the time for public comments.
27. BENEDICTION by Andrew Markowltz 28. ADJOURNMENT - Motion to adjourn. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
1. Call to Order - Town Crier 2. Flag Salute 3. Invocation by Father Joseph Doyle 4. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 5. Roll Call
10. Nomination for Deputy Mayor of Community Affairs 11. Election of Deputy Mayor of Community Affairs
MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS a. Library Trustees - Patty Bontekoe, Michael Stoll (Mayor's Designee) b. Environmental Commission Chairperson -Wendy Dabney c. Board of Education Shared Service Liaison - Councilmember Dunay, Councilmember Peluso d. Planning Board Designee - Dan Furphy e. Planning Board Class II Member - Benjamin Bontekoe f. Historic Preservation Commission - Daniel Ptashny (Class C)
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDAS 1 AND 2 ITEMS ONLY - Mayor calls for motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. - Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #1-2017 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS: - Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. No. 1-2017 - Professional Services - Appraiser: Value Research Group b. Resol. No. 2-2017 - Professional Services - Appraiser: McNerney & Associates c. Resol. No. 3-2017 - Professional Services - Bond Counsel: Hawkins, Delafield & Woods d. Resol. No. 4-2017 - Professional Services - Grant Writer: Bruno Associates e. Resol. No. 5-2017 - Professional Services - Broker of Medical / Dental - PIA Security Programs, Inc. f. Resol. No. 6-2017 - Professional Services - Risk Manager: Professional Insurance Associates Inc. (PIA) g. Resol. No. 7-2017 - Professional Services - Borough Auditor: Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo & Cuva, P.A. h. Resol. No. 8-2017 - Professional Services - Borough Attorney: Ronald P. Mondello i. Resol. No. 9-2017 - Professional Services - Labor Attorney: Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs, LLC j. Resol. No. 10-2017 - Professional Services - Environmental Consulting Services: Arcadis U.S., Inc. k. Resol. No. 11-2017 - Professional Services - Planner of Record: Matrix New World Engineering I. Resol. No. 12-2017 - Professional Services - Nursing Services: The Valley Hospital m. Resol. No. 13-2017 - Professional Services - Health Educator: The Valley Hospital n. Resol. No. 14-2017 - Professional Services - Open Space Planner / Planner for Green Acres: H2M Associates, Inc. o. Resol. No. 15-2017 - Professional Services - Conflict Counsel / Tax Appeals: William R. Betesh, Boggia & Boggia, LLC p. Resol. No, 16-2017 - Professional Services - Loss Control Services: J.A. Montgomery Risk Control q. Resol. No. 17-2017 - Professional Services - Disciplinary Hearing Officer: Joseph L. Verruni r. Resol. No. 18-2017 - Professional Services - Employee and Emergency Service Volunteer's Physicals: Valley Systems Health Workplace Connection s. Resol. No. 19-2017 - Economic Development Administrator t. Resol. No. 20-2017 - Fire Officers u. Resol. No. 21 -2017 - Liaison to Fire Board v. Resol. No. 22-2017 - Liaison to the Community Center w. Resol. No. 23-2017 - Liaison to Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention x. Resol. No. 24-2017 - Liaisons to RRIC, BIC, EDC y. Resol. No. 25-2017 - Environmental Commission z. Resol. No. 26-2017 - Green Team Advisory Committee aa. Resol. No. 27-2017 - Planning Board bb. Resol. No. 28-2017 - Zoning Board cc. Resol. No. 29-2017 - Rent Leveling Board dd. Resol. No. 30-2017 - Property Maintenance / Facelift Committee ee. Resol. No. 31-2017- Fair Lawn Borough Gardens Committee ff. Resol. No. 32-2017 - Shade Tree Advisory Committee gg. Resol. No. 33-2017 - Fair Lawn Arts Council hh. Resol. No. 34-2017 - Holiday Celebrations ii. Resol. No. 35-2017 - Senior Citizen Advisory Board jj. Resol. No. 36-2017 - Public Action Compliance Officer kk. Resol. No. 37-2017 - Appointing Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner II. Resol. No. 38-2017 - Fair Lawn Recreation Facility Review Committee mm. Resol. No. 39-2017 - Interlocal Services Agreement with Ridgewood: Health Officer nn. Resol. No. 40-2017 - Open Space Committee oo. Resol. No. 41-2017 - Alternate Prosecutor pp. Resol. No. 42-2017 - Board of Ethics qq. Resol. No. 43-2017 - Interlocal Agreement for Childhood Immunizations - Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 44-2017 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - ENGINEERING AND SURVEYOR: RIGG ASSOCIATES - Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 45-2017 - APPOINTMENT TO THE ZONING BOARD - Municipal Clerk reads resolution. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
MANAGER'S APPOINTMENTS: a. Prosecutor, Public Defender, Alternate Public Defender, and Rent Leveling Board Attorney
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #2-2017 - Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent, a. Resol. No. 46-2017 - Cash Management Plan b. Resol. No. 47-2017 - Official Newspapers c. Resol. No. 48-2017 - Temporary Budget - Current Fund and Water Utility Fund d. Resol. No. 49-2017 - Petty Cash e. Resol. No. 50-2017 - Tax Assessment Interest f. ResoL No. 51 -2017 - Annual Meeting Dates and Times g. Resol. No. 52-2017 - Defending Tax Appeals h. Resol. No. 53-2017 - Annual Sale of Delinquent Taxes i. Resol. No. 54-2017 - Adopting Policy and Procedures Manual j. Resol. No. 55-2017 - Affirming the Borough's Civil Rights Policy k. Resol. No. 56-2017 - Interiocal Agreement Bergen County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid l. Resol. No. 57-2017 - Approval of Minutes: Closed Session 12/6/16 Work Session 12/6/16 Closed Session 12/6/16 Regular Meeting 12/13/16 m. Resol. No. 58-2017- Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License: Holistic Center n. Resol. No. 59-2017 - Authorizing Contract with Certain Approved Bergen County Cooperative Contract Vendors -Wilfred MacDonald, Inc. - Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2416-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 60-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPARTMENT HEADS) - Mayor asks for a motion to read the Ordinance by Title. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call, ORDINANCE NO. 2417-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 61-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY IS AMENDED (BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR) Mayor asks for a motion to read the Ordinance by Title. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC COMMENTS - Mayor calls for motion to open time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. - Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Mayor closes the time for public comments.
27. BENEDICTION by Andrew Markowltz 28. ADJOURNMENT - Motion to adjourn. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.