1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2418-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 62-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 125 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AND SPECIFICALLY SECTION 125-10 ENTITLED, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2419-17 (RESOLUTION NO. 63-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 125 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AND SPECIFICALLY SECTION 125-24 ENTITLED, "B-l RESTRICTED BUSINESS, B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS AND B-3 BUSINESS ZONE" AND ATTACHMENT 8 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF AREA, YARD AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS"Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2420-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 64-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 150 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "NOISE" MORE PARTICULARLY SECTION 150-13 ENTITLED, "CONDITIONS FOR VARIANCE" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2421-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 65-2017) AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, COUNTY OF BERGEN, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2358-2015 TO AMEND AND MODIFY THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND FAIR LAWN SENIOR HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL, L.P., AUTHORIZING TAX EXEMPTION AND PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES FOR THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 1.02, BLOCK 5804, BEING 18-25 RIVER ROAD IN FAIR LAWN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2416-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 66-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPARTMENT HEADS)Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard.Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2417-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 67-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY IS AMENDED (BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR) - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #3-2017 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #68-2017 - Approving Change Order #1 Project No. 2203 Fair Lawn Avenue Improvements (Various Intersections) b. Resol. #69-2017- Approving Change Order #1 & Final Project No. 2259 Roadway Improvements 2016 Contract 1 c. Resol. #70-2017 - Approving Change Order #1 Project No. 2244 Roadway Improvements 2015 d. Resol. #71 -2017 - Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License - Massage/Spa Incorporated e. Resol. #72-2017 - Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License - Angel Wellness f. Resol. #73-2017 - Police Computer Maintenance - Spillman Technologies, Inc. g. Resol. #74-2017 - Treatment Works Approval Permit Application: 41-25 and 41-29 Dunkerhook Road h. Resol. #75-2017 - DOT Municipal Aid Program Grant Application i. Resol. #76-2017 - Tax Appeal Settlement: Fair Lawn Co. c/o AJ Clark Management - 19-00 Fair Lawn Avenue j. Resol. #77-2017 - Confirmation of Fire Board Actions k. Resol. #78-2017 - Award of Bid: Various Water Analysis I. Resol. #79-2017 - Appointment to the Environmental Commission m. Resol. #80-2017 - Transfer of Funds n. Resol. #81-2017- Approval of Minutes: Reorganization Meeting 1/3/17 o. Resol. #82-2017 - Resolution to Modify and Extend the Contract of Sale - Fair Lawn Senior Housing Urban Renewal, LP Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL - MUNICIPAL CLERK'S OFFICE 15. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2418-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 62-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 125 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AND SPECIFICALLY SECTION 125-10 ENTITLED, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2419-17 (RESOLUTION NO. 63-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 125 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AND SPECIFICALLY SECTION 125-24 ENTITLED, "B-l RESTRICTED BUSINESS, B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS AND B-3 BUSINESS ZONE" AND ATTACHMENT 8 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF AREA, YARD AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS"Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2420-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 64-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 150 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, ENTITLED, "NOISE" MORE PARTICULARLY SECTION 150-13 ENTITLED, "CONDITIONS FOR VARIANCE" Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2421-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 65-2017) AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, COUNTY OF BERGEN, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2358-2015 TO AMEND AND MODIFY THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND FAIR LAWN SENIOR HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL, L.P., AUTHORIZING TAX EXEMPTION AND PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES FOR THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 1.02, BLOCK 5804, BEING 18-25 RIVER ROAD IN FAIR LAWN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2416-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 66-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPARTMENT HEADS)Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard.Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2417-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 67-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW JERSEY IS AMENDED (BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR) - Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #3-2017 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #68-2017 - Approving Change Order #1 Project No. 2203 Fair Lawn Avenue Improvements (Various Intersections) b. Resol. #69-2017- Approving Change Order #1 & Final Project No. 2259 Roadway Improvements 2016 Contract 1 c. Resol. #70-2017 - Approving Change Order #1 Project No. 2244 Roadway Improvements 2015 d. Resol. #71 -2017 - Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License - Massage/Spa Incorporated e. Resol. #72-2017 - Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License - Angel Wellness f. Resol. #73-2017 - Police Computer Maintenance - Spillman Technologies, Inc. g. Resol. #74-2017 - Treatment Works Approval Permit Application: 41-25 and 41-29 Dunkerhook Road h. Resol. #75-2017 - DOT Municipal Aid Program Grant Application i. Resol. #76-2017 - Tax Appeal Settlement: Fair Lawn Co. c/o AJ Clark Management - 19-00 Fair Lawn Avenue j. Resol. #77-2017 - Confirmation of Fire Board Actions k. Resol. #78-2017 - Award of Bid: Various Water Analysis I. Resol. #79-2017 - Appointment to the Environmental Commission m. Resol. #80-2017 - Transfer of Funds n. Resol. #81-2017- Approval of Minutes: Reorganization Meeting 1/3/17 o. Resol. #82-2017 - Resolution to Modify and Extend the Contract of Sale - Fair Lawn Senior Housing Urban Renewal, LP Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
14. CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL - MUNICIPAL CLERK'S OFFICE 15. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.