1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
PUBLIC HEARING ON 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the 2017 Budget, Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
PUBLIC HEARING ON 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the 2017 Budget, Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 110-2017 ADOPTED OF 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC HEARING ON RRIC BUDGET AND CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENTS IN THE RIVER ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the RRIC Budget and the assessments in the River Road Special Improvement District. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 111 -2017 ADOPTION OF RRIC BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC HEARING ON BIC BUDGET AND CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENTS IN THE BROADWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the BIC Budget and the assessments in the Broadway Special Improvement District. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 112-2017 ADOPTION OF BIC BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2427-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 113-2017) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $2,300,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,190,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call, Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2428-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 114-2017) BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS ROADS IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,510,000 THEREFORE AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,438,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH APPROPRIATION. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO, 2429-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 115-2017) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $1,800,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,714,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2422-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 116-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1687-1997 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE RIVER ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND DESIGNATING A DISTRICT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION", AMENDING SCHEDULE A Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2423-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 117-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO EXCEED THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION LIMITS AND TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK (NJ.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14) CALENDAR YEAR 2017 Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2424-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 118-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 232, ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC", MORE PARTICULARLY ARTICLE VIII ENTITLED "TRAFFIC", SUBSECTION 232-50 ENTITLED "BUS STOPS" Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2425-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 119-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPUTY MUNICIPAL CLERK) Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2426-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 120-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (STIPENDS) Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments, Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #5-2017 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #121-2017-Tax Appeal Settlement: CK Bergen Holding, 17-01 Pollitt Drive b. Resol. #122-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement: 18-01 Pollitt Drive, 18-01 Pollitt Drive c. Resol. # 123-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement; Rhoda Realty, LLC, 23-55 Fair Lawn Avenue d. Resol. # 124-2017 -Tax Appeal Settlement: Caspian Realty, LLC, 40-26 Broadway e. Resol. # 125-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement: Fair Lawn Industrial Properties, LLC, 15-01 Pollitt Drive f. Resol. # 126-2017- Transfer of Funds g. Resol. #127-2017- Approval of Minutes: Work Session 2/7/17 Closed Session 2/7/17 Regular Meeting 2/21/17 h. Resol. # 128-2017- Appointment of Municipal Clerk f. Resol. #129-2017- Appointment of Public Compliance Action Officer j. Resol. # 130-2017- Refund of Overpayment of Taxes k. Resol. #131-2017- Authorizing Submission of 2016 Recycling Grant Application I. Resol. # 132-2017- Auction of Surplus Equipment m. Resol. #133-2017- Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License: Massage Envy Spa n. Resol. # 134-2017- Requesting Approval of Special Item of Revenue: NJACCHO - Health Grant o, Resol. # 135-2017- Award of Bid: Electrical Repair and Maintenance p. Resol. # 136-2017- Authorizing Procurement of the Concession Stand of Memorial Pool by Informal Quotes q. Resol. #137-2017- Authorizing Execution of Contract for Emergency Notifications with Emergency Communications Network, Inc. r. Resol. # 138-2017- Appointment to the Finance Committee s. Resol. # 139-2017- Supporting the New Valley Hospital t. Resol. # 140-2017- Approving Massage Establishment License: Eva Spa u. Resol. # 141 -2017- Cancel and Refund Property Taxes Due to a Disabled Veteran Exemption - LaDuca v. Resol. # 142-2017- Approving Fire Board Actions Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 143-2017 - APPOINTMENT TO THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE /FACELIFT COMMITTEE Municipal Clerk reads the resolution. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 144-2017 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT WITH FAIR LAWN SENIOR HOUSNG, LP. FOR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES - 18-25 RIVER ROAD Municipal Clerk reads the resolution. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
20. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments. 21. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
1. Call to Order by Mayor 2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act 3. Roll Call 4. Flag Salute
PUBLIC HEARING ON 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the 2017 Budget, Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
PUBLIC HEARING ON 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the 2017 Budget, Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 110-2017 ADOPTED OF 2017 BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC HEARING ON RRIC BUDGET AND CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENTS IN THE RIVER ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the RRIC Budget and the assessments in the River Road Special Improvement District. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 111 -2017 ADOPTION OF RRIC BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC HEARING ON BIC BUDGET AND CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENTS IN THE BROADWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public hearing on the BIC Budget and the assessments in the Broadway Special Improvement District. Mayor asks for Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTION NO. 112-2017 ADOPTION OF BIC BUDGET Mayor asks Municipal Clerk to read resolution. Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2427-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 113-2017) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $2,300,000, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,190,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call, Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2428-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 114-2017) BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS ROADS IN AND BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,510,000 THEREFORE AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,438,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH APPROPRIATION. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO, 2429-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 115-2017) BOND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $1,800,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,714,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH, FOR VARIOUS WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. Mayor asks for a motion to read the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 2422-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 116-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1687-1997 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE RIVER ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND DESIGNATING A DISTRICT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION", AMENDING SCHEDULE A Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2423-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 117-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO EXCEED THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION LIMITS AND TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK (NJ.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14) CALENDAR YEAR 2017 Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2424-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 118-2017) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN 2000, SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 232, ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC", MORE PARTICULARLY ARTICLE VIII ENTITLED "TRAFFIC", SUBSECTION 232-50 ENTITLED "BUS STOPS" Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2425-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 119-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (DEPUTY MUNICIPAL CLERK) Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call. ORDINANCE NO. 2426-2017 (RESOLUTION NO. 120-2017) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY AS AMENDED (STIPENDS) Mayor asks for a motion to open the time for public comments, Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Adoption. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments on Consent Agenda items only. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments asking if anyone wishes to be heard. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments.
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #5-2017 Municipal Clerk reads Resolutions by Consent. a. Resol. #121-2017-Tax Appeal Settlement: CK Bergen Holding, 17-01 Pollitt Drive b. Resol. #122-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement: 18-01 Pollitt Drive, 18-01 Pollitt Drive c. Resol. # 123-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement; Rhoda Realty, LLC, 23-55 Fair Lawn Avenue d. Resol. # 124-2017 -Tax Appeal Settlement: Caspian Realty, LLC, 40-26 Broadway e. Resol. # 125-2017- Tax Appeal Settlement: Fair Lawn Industrial Properties, LLC, 15-01 Pollitt Drive f. Resol. # 126-2017- Transfer of Funds g. Resol. #127-2017- Approval of Minutes: Work Session 2/7/17 Closed Session 2/7/17 Regular Meeting 2/21/17 h. Resol. # 128-2017- Appointment of Municipal Clerk f. Resol. #129-2017- Appointment of Public Compliance Action Officer j. Resol. # 130-2017- Refund of Overpayment of Taxes k. Resol. #131-2017- Authorizing Submission of 2016 Recycling Grant Application I. Resol. # 132-2017- Auction of Surplus Equipment m. Resol. #133-2017- Authorizing Renewal of Massage Establishment License: Massage Envy Spa n. Resol. # 134-2017- Requesting Approval of Special Item of Revenue: NJACCHO - Health Grant o, Resol. # 135-2017- Award of Bid: Electrical Repair and Maintenance p. Resol. # 136-2017- Authorizing Procurement of the Concession Stand of Memorial Pool by Informal Quotes q. Resol. #137-2017- Authorizing Execution of Contract for Emergency Notifications with Emergency Communications Network, Inc. r. Resol. # 138-2017- Appointment to the Finance Committee s. Resol. # 139-2017- Supporting the New Valley Hospital t. Resol. # 140-2017- Approving Massage Establishment License: Eva Spa u. Resol. # 141 -2017- Cancel and Refund Property Taxes Due to a Disabled Veteran Exemption - LaDuca v. Resol. # 142-2017- Approving Fire Board Actions Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 143-2017 - APPOINTMENT TO THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE /FACELIFT COMMITTEE Municipal Clerk reads the resolution. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
RESOLUTION NO. 144-2017 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT WITH FAIR LAWN SENIOR HOUSNG, LP. FOR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES - 18-25 RIVER ROAD Municipal Clerk reads the resolution. Mayor asks for a Mover, Seconder, Discussion, Roll Call.
20. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor calls for a motion to open time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor opens time for public comments. Mayor calls for a motion to close the time for public comments. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call. Mayor closes the time for public comments. 21. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor calls for motion to adjourn. Mover, Seconder, Roll Call.