Call to Order a. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act b. Roll Call c. Flag Salute
Corrected Drainage Easement - 23-33 Berkshire Road (Deputy Manager/Engineer Garrison) (5 minutes)
Resolution No. 288-2020 - Expenses Reimbursement Age Friendly Coordinator - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.
Resolution No. 289-2020 - Authorizing Crossroads Specialty Pharmacy to Provide Adult Immunizations for Borough Employees and Emergency Personnel - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.
Resolution No. 290-2020 - Award of Bid: Roadway Improvements 2020 - Reivax Contracting Corp - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.
Call to Order a. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act b. Roll Call c. Flag Salute
Corrected Drainage Easement - 23-33 Berkshire Road (Deputy Manager/Engineer Garrison) (5 minutes)
Resolution No. 288-2020 - Expenses Reimbursement Age Friendly Coordinator - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.
Resolution No. 289-2020 - Authorizing Crossroads Specialty Pharmacy to Provide Adult Immunizations for Borough Employees and Emergency Personnel - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.
Resolution No. 290-2020 - Award of Bid: Roadway Improvements 2020 - Reivax Contracting Corp - Mayor asks for a mover, seconder, roll call.