ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING -Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction A. ORD. # 2560-2021 (RESOL. #110-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SALARY ORDINANCE – CONTRACTUAL BARGAINING AGREEMENT - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso B. ORD. # 2561-2021 (RESOL. #111-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO EXCEED THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION LIMITS AND TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK (N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14) CALENDAR YEAR 2021 - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso C. ORD. # 2562-2021 (RESOL. #112-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 25, VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY SERVICES STIPEND PROGRAM OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000 - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso D. ORD. # 2563-2021 (RESOL. #113-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1687-97 ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE RIVER ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND DESIGNATING A DISTRICT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION” - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso E. ORD. # 2564-2021 (RESOL. #114-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF GRANT FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION (BELLAIR AVENUE) - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #103-2021: APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE PROSECUTOR - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #104-2021: AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER SECURITY AND FIREWALL - SHI STATE CONTRACT - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #105-2021: ENDORSEMENT OF A BERGEN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT – CARE PLUS FOR ADA IMPROVEMENTS - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #106-2021: AUTHORIZING EQUIPMENT PURCHASE COMMERCIAL RECREATION SPECIALISTS - AQUATIC PLAYGROUND - MEMORIAL SPLASHPARK - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #107-2021: INTRODUCTION OF BUDGET – BY TITLE ONLY - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #108-2021: INTRODUCTION OF RIVER ROAD IMPROVEMENT CORP. BUDGET - BY TITLE ONLY - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #109-2021: INTRODUCTION OF BROADWAY IMPROVEMENT CORP. BUDGET - BY TITLE - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #5-2021 - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolutions by Consent: - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso a. Resol. #84-2021 Grant Application to FEMA FY20 Assistance to Firefighters Grant b. Resol. #85-2021 Approving Transfer Reserve Funds c. Resol. #86-2021 Approving LOSAP Certifications d. Resol. #87-2021 Grant Application – Pedestrian Safety e. Resol. #88-2021 Authorizing Renewal Agreement – Everbridge f. Resol. #89-2021 Authorizing Glen Rock Use of Borough’s Pistol Range g. Resol. #90-2021 Approving Purchase of Ammunition Under State Contract h. Resol. #91-2021 Approving Lease/Purchase of Copiers Under State Contract i. Resol. #92-2021 Authorizing Emergency Funds - Water Main Break Repair 25-15 Fair Lawn Ave j. Resol. #93-2021 Authorizing Emergency Funds – Snow Plowing k. Resol. #94-2021 Appointing Member of Arts Council l. Resol. #95-2021 Appointing Member of Health Advisory Board m. Resol. #96-2021 Appointing Member of Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board n. Resol. #97-2021 Authorizing Receipt of DHTS U Drive U Text U Pay Grant o. Resol. #98-2021 Authorizing Receipt of DHTS Drunk Driving Enforcement Grant p. Resol. #99-2021 Budget Self Examination q. Resol. #100-2021 Authorizing Shared Services with Fair Lawn Board of Education – Cleaning Services - ARAMARK
CLOSED SESSION RESOL. #115-2021: EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION – CLOSED SESSION OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 COUNCIL MEETING - Municipal Clerk reads the Executive Session Resolution. - Mayor calls for a motion to go into Closed Session. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Mayor begins Closed Session. A. Personnel Matters – Zoning Board (N.J.S.A. 10:4-12b(8)). - Mayor calls for a motion to exit Closed Session. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Mayor ends Closed Session. 20. ADJOURNMENT - Mayor calls for a motion to Adjourn. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Meeting Adjourned.
ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING -Municipal Clerk reads the Resolution of Introduction A. ORD. # 2560-2021 (RESOL. #110-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SALARY ORDINANCE – CONTRACTUAL BARGAINING AGREEMENT - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso B. ORD. # 2561-2021 (RESOL. #111-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO EXCEED THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION LIMITS AND TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK (N.J.S.A. 40A: 4-45.14) CALENDAR YEAR 2021 - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso C. ORD. # 2562-2021 (RESOL. #112-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 25, VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY SERVICES STIPEND PROGRAM OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, 2000 - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso D. ORD. # 2563-2021 (RESOL. #113-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1687-97 ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE RIVER ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN AND DESIGNATING A DISTRICT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION” - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso E. ORD. # 2564-2021 (RESOL. #114-2021) AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF FAIR LAWN, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECEIPT, ACCEPTANCE AND DEPOSIT OF GRANT FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION (BELLAIR AVENUE) - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #103-2021: APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE PROSECUTOR - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #104-2021: AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER SECURITY AND FIREWALL - SHI STATE CONTRACT - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #105-2021: ENDORSEMENT OF A BERGEN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT – CARE PLUS FOR ADA IMPROVEMENTS - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #106-2021: AUTHORIZING EQUIPMENT PURCHASE COMMERCIAL RECREATION SPECIALISTS - AQUATIC PLAYGROUND - MEMORIAL SPLASHPARK - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #107-2021: INTRODUCTION OF BUDGET – BY TITLE ONLY - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #108-2021: INTRODUCTION OF RIVER ROAD IMPROVEMENT CORP. BUDGET - BY TITLE ONLY - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOL. #109-2021: INTRODUCTION OF BROADWAY IMPROVEMENT CORP. BUDGET - BY TITLE - Mayor reads the Resolution by title only. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso
RESOLUTIONS BY CONSENT #5-2021 - Municipal Clerk reads the Resolutions by Consent: - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - Discussion: Roll Call: • Councilmember Krause • Councilmember Rottenstrich • Deputy Mayor Reinitz • Deputy Mayor Cutrone • Mayor Peluso a. Resol. #84-2021 Grant Application to FEMA FY20 Assistance to Firefighters Grant b. Resol. #85-2021 Approving Transfer Reserve Funds c. Resol. #86-2021 Approving LOSAP Certifications d. Resol. #87-2021 Grant Application – Pedestrian Safety e. Resol. #88-2021 Authorizing Renewal Agreement – Everbridge f. Resol. #89-2021 Authorizing Glen Rock Use of Borough’s Pistol Range g. Resol. #90-2021 Approving Purchase of Ammunition Under State Contract h. Resol. #91-2021 Approving Lease/Purchase of Copiers Under State Contract i. Resol. #92-2021 Authorizing Emergency Funds - Water Main Break Repair 25-15 Fair Lawn Ave j. Resol. #93-2021 Authorizing Emergency Funds – Snow Plowing k. Resol. #94-2021 Appointing Member of Arts Council l. Resol. #95-2021 Appointing Member of Health Advisory Board m. Resol. #96-2021 Appointing Member of Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board n. Resol. #97-2021 Authorizing Receipt of DHTS U Drive U Text U Pay Grant o. Resol. #98-2021 Authorizing Receipt of DHTS Drunk Driving Enforcement Grant p. Resol. #99-2021 Budget Self Examination q. Resol. #100-2021 Authorizing Shared Services with Fair Lawn Board of Education – Cleaning Services - ARAMARK
CLOSED SESSION RESOL. #115-2021: EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION – CLOSED SESSION OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 COUNCIL MEETING - Municipal Clerk reads the Executive Session Resolution. - Mayor calls for a motion to go into Closed Session. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Mayor begins Closed Session. A. Personnel Matters – Zoning Board (N.J.S.A. 10:4-12b(8)). - Mayor calls for a motion to exit Closed Session. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Mayor ends Closed Session. 20. ADJOURNMENT - Mayor calls for a motion to Adjourn. - Mayor asks for a Mover: - Mayor asks for a Seconder: - All in favor? - Any opposed? - Meeting Adjourned.